While I've been nervous to have a blog, I feel like I would like to document my journeys of life in a way that is easy to share. And if I am able to help any one in any way by my experiences, even if it's just for a laugh, that would be great. But if not... So be it. I'm already finding myself worried about putting my thoughts, experiences and dreams on a blog and also finding that I am being careful on how I word things. I think in order for this to be an effective experience all round, I need to be able to just let loose. So if you like what you read, by all means, say so, if not, I'd really rather you just move on in your search for intelligent or entertaining material. Those who know me well know that I have the talent (or
curse) of being able to find a movie or song quote that perfectly
describes life at almost any moment so you will probably hear about 50%
quotes and 50% Rebekah's intelligence. I will try my best to reference
where I can as that is half the fun of remembering and quoting ;)
So without further ado, here I'll begin.
I was married to the love of my life, Steven, in September of 2011. We are coming up on 3 years of marriage this September with two darling little children. Esmond will be 2 in September and baby Julia (Jules) is 6 weeks old. It's been quite the experience learning how to keep track of two babies as opposed to one. I really admire every single mother/father/nanny/caretaker out there. Child rearing and minding is tough (yet rewarding) work! I just read recently that they use the term "child rearing" because we spend so much time cleaning their little bottoms. And I really have to agree there ;). People said that I would feel like Esmond was a giant when I had Julia, but he still felt like a little baby to me. THEN I changed his diaper after changing 20 or so of Julia's diapers (Steven took over the toddler department for a while!) and I really noticed the contrast! But it wasn't until then that I realised how old he had become and how tiny he started out. It has taken many trial and error experiences to be able to juggle the two babes day to day. Steven started an intense program with 6 courses in July and I have found myself doing things pretty well on my own since he has had so much homework, tests and assignments. But whenever he has free time, he has been so wonderful in helping out and he really is such a great husband and father! I could not do it without him.
Bathing, I tell you, is down to an art. I have some how managed to extend the amount of time I go without showering. Word of advice to those Moms expecting number 2 baby: If you bathe with your toddler quite easily, throwing a newborn in the mix is NOT a good idea. Now you may be laughing at me for thinking it might be, but I really thought I could do it. I had Ezzy all happy playing in the bath and I was trying to shower and Julia needed a little clean off too. She was really fussy, so I thought I'd just get us all cleaned at once and get it over with. It all worked out simply in my mind. I'd wash Ezzy and I off first and bring Jules in at the end. What ended up happening was me nursing her with one arm, washing my hair with the other and trying to stop Ezzy from pouring cups of water on Jules' head. I can't remember how long it took to get us all cleaned, but I that was a one time event for me. I have since mastered the bathing and don't attempt to get all 3 done at once. It really is NOT faster.
I have found myself very frequently being in awe at the mothers who have more that two children. HOW do you do it?! But then I remember I thought the same when I first had Esmond. I guess you just get out of bed everyday and just do what you gotta do. It's amazed me what I've become capable of doing. Just the other day I needed to make dinner and Ezzy was playing that pleasant little game where he stands in between me and the counter and pushes as hard as he can. I was wearing Jules in the ring sling at the time so when he wasn't pushing on my legs, he was RIGHT in my blind spot and I was constantly tripping over him. I tried unsuccessfully to distract him and he did that other really fun thing where he goes stiff as a board when I tried to put him in his highchair. So I got out a carrier and strapped him to my back and he was happy as anything! I really wish I had thought of it sooner. So with Ezzy on my back and Julia on my front, I was able to finish dinner and get the table set. ( I know it's only 2 place settings, but still! haha) So moments like that, I think, yes! I can do this momma thing! No problem! I really love being a mother to these little angels.
I have to say, one thing that just warms my heart is hearing the softness of their breath as they sleep. It really is so peaceful :) But my favourite thing about having two babies instead of just one is how Ezzy wants to hold her all the time and when he does he talks to her, gets her to suck on his fingers and kisses her. In the car he tries to pat and shh her when she is crying and he loves to wake her up... So when friends and family ask me how I'm getting along with two kidlets, despite all my blunders as I figure out this new stage, I really love the hugs, kisses and cuddles I get as I learn all about these two precious beings.
Love Bex
PS- No movie quotes in this entry :)
So impressed that you had both of them in a wrap on you!